Monday, April 25, 2011

29 months Today!

My Darling Daughter,

Another month has passed and your antics just keep on getting cuter & funnier. At the end of last month, we were heading out to see Abby and as we left the house, daddy was retuning home. As we passed him, I rolled down the window and told him where we were off to. You said "Bye Daddy" followed by, " Daddy Bekayful okay, have titak there!" So young yet so concerned for your daddy and the cicaks on the door. I found that to be too cute!

Your character is definitely blooming. During that same week, you & daddy were having dinner in the TV room. Since you had your little table, daddy had his dinner on your portable tray. When you saw that, you too wanted to use the tray. I told you daddy is the boss, let him borrow it for a while. He will return it after he has finished. You reluctantly agreed and said okay. Then you looked at your daddy and said, "Eh, you ah!"....macam mummy! Lol

Another funny episode was when I overheard you pretend talk on the phone. Your conversation went a little something like this; "Hello, Abang Irshad?, Hi Abang, Do you want to talk? Okay, Talk lah...bla bla bla....okay abang irshad, I go sleep now, good night, okay bye, bah ok bah bah bye, bah bah!" many "bahs"! hahaha. I also overheard you once having a romantic conversation with 'someone', and said "I'm sorry, I'm sorry bah, I love you"....I have no idea where you got that from!

Earlier this month, Daddy went to KL so to entertain you, that weekend I brought you to the circus. Well, it wasn't an actual animal circus, more towards, juggling and high wire acts. That sunday, we went to Mama's house, then to see Grandpa then to JP to see the acts. We saw one man juggling fire and you said "Ooo..nice. Want to try!" So berani!

Mummy has come to realize you have taken after your father. You love music & songs. You have your own taste in music. I was listening to the radio in the car and this song came on; Christina Perri's Jar of hearts, when it ended you said "again". Belabih. I took you to a wedding this month. Auntie Yati. A friend of mummy's and family friends with mummy'nah. It was at the Polo club and we had to park far away. Luckily they provided a shuttle bus for us. You enjoyed the ride and kept on saying, "Like the bus." In the hall, we saw Auntie Yati all dressed up on the projector screen. You made me smile when you said, "That Princess kan, mummy."

Here are some of the phrases that you have said and have stuck in my head;
"I no pandai", your reply after I told you to do something.
"I cannot", another reply after telling you to do something.
"My hand sakit, its too panas.", when we were in the car on a hot hot day.

Insyallah, by next month you will be potty trained. We are in the process of trying now and hope you ace this milestone love. The less pampers you use baby, the more toys you can buy!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Trip to the Beach

Mummy & Daddy decided to finally bring you to the beach & let you feel the fresh sea breeze on your face. Mummy wanted you to experience playing in the sand and not think of it as being yucky! We also wanted you explore & appreciate one of the wonders of the world, the sea. At first you were quite cautious with the little waves splashing onto your feet. You kept on running away. But eventually, when your daddy was beside you, you started to enjoy the water and ran around like a headless chicken. All Mummy could say was "Berani eh!" I think if you had your own way and if you could swim, you'd probably start swimming towards the sea. On our way home, you said, "Mummy, next time go beach again...". I'm glad you enjoyed it my love.

Testing the Waters with Daddy

Being Chased by the Waves

Chasing the Waves


Pose for mummy

Tentatively building her sandcastle

Sunday, April 3, 2011

First Trip Across Brunei Borders

Last day in Miri at the Go-Cart Track

Still up at 10pm

Daddy's pre-birthday seafood dinner
with Uncle Ayih & the gang

In Marrybrown giving her first Harmonica Recital

Another pose

Posing at Abang Jack's home in Lumut