Friday, September 25, 2009

Ten Months Old

Dear little Princess,

You have reached the 10 month mark today. I realized you have grown into a lil'cheeky monkey and I love you even more now. Over a period of a month you have grown 3 more teeth. You now have 5!! Yayy!

I love how you copy what we do. You've been copying us snapping our fingers and its so cute when you do it. Sometimes it looks like you are signaling for money coz there's no sound when you snap your fingers. Now when you play always say the "Baaaa" part which always puts a smile on mummy & daddy's faces. We are so proud of you. Your flying kisses are getting better. At least now you put your whole hand to your mouth. We just have to work on the flying bit. When mummy & daddy come home from work, we try to get you in the routine of giving us a hug and kiss. The hugs come naturally as it seems you miss us when we are at work. The kisses on the other hand, we have to ask for them and you normally place a big wet one on either our cheek or mouth.

Your vocabulary is also increasing. Since your first word was 'Bye', your second word was 'Baby' but I still think you're trying to understand what it really means. I love how you point to other kids and say "baby" which is hilarious since you my love, are the baby. You also tend to point to pictures of babies in frames and say baby. You smart egg you! Recently, you have extended your vocabulary and ask for "nenen" when you want milk and "mamam" when you are hungry. Your Grandma bought you a book the other day on animals and you like to flip through the book most of the time. I have a feeling you like books, well the pictures mostly. Once, You looked at the picture of the rabbit and you tried to copy what I said, but yours came out as "wabbit".

Nowadays I think you're trying out more difficult words that have an F sound in it as well as the the S sound too. The other day you were watching your daddy shoo away the pigeons, so now when you see the pigeons you too shoo them away by saying "fsshhh" with your little finger pointing at them. Its so cute but its even cuter when we are at your Grandma's house and she takes you to the fish tank. You would put your finger where the fish's mouth is and say "fish". I have come to think that this is probably the reason why you have started opening and closing your mouth like a fish.

Lastly, my love, I want you to know that you are an amazing little girl and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I promise my love to teach you to have love for your religion, the importance of patience, the meaning of love and the significance of respect. I also pray to Allah that you will understand the value of education and to always respect your virtue. Always remember Mummy & Daddy will always love you my little angel.

Happy Ten months my love.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mia's First Raya

This year is Mia's first Raya. First day of Raya fell on Monday, 21st September 2009. As usual on Raya morning, we made our way to see Bapa & Mummy first before they proceeded to Lumut for the day. This year Mia's uncle Rahman did not have to work and was able to bring his 'clan' over after Raya prayers. Mia's Aunty Mamah unfortunately couldn't make it as she had to attend her in-laws Raya morning gathering.

Mia's First Raya

Mia & Mummy

Mia's First Green Packet :)

With Grandma & Grandpa

After seeking for forgiveness from both Mia's grandparents as well as my siblings, we made our way to my in-laws. The atmosphere at the Tampoi Manor is always overwhelming. Mia's daddy has 6 siblings, 6 sibling-in laws and 29 nieces & nephews. Its just great being surrounded by a big family, especially the children. After our Raya breakfast & 'ziarah-ing' everyone, we did our yearly first day raya rounds to all the relatives. Normally we would be done by late afternoon but for some reason we ended up finishing late this year. Upon reaching home, we freshened up quickly and picked up Auntie Sue Sue then made our way to Gail's house for a quick visit as we hadn't seen Baby Zara since she was born. Then our final house for the day was Kak'Imah's house who definitely serves yummy food. I say yummy because she always serves Dim Sum, my favourite!

With Abang Irshad

with Kaka Sofie

with Abang Shafiq

With Daddy

On the second day, we all headed over to mum's place to help her with her open house. People came and went and of course Mia met many many people and relatives. On the third day of Raya, today, after work, we made our way to Uncle Anam's house, Mia's granduncle. Mia had been 'kidnapped' by her Auntie Chenah and Kaka Sofie that afternoon so we met up with them there. We then made our way to Abg Minan's parents house in Rimba before heading home.

Mia & her Grandma with their pearls

P/S: Was very disappointed for not remembering to take a picture of Mia & Mama. Must remind self to take one next time we see mama :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Grandma's Home

Dear Little Angel Mia,

Finally your Grandma & Nini Bapa have arrived safely home from Vienna yesterday. Since it was a public holiday, we drove over to Grandma's house to welcome them home. Grandma and Nini Bapa were so happy to see you but you acted most strangely when we arrived. When you saw your Grandma, you started crying in tears. Me and Grandma break it down to the fact that you really really missed her but you forgot..until you saw her in person. Grandma & Grandpa brought you back alot of goodies but I realized that you became very impressed and attached to the "Princess storybook". I hope you do learn to love books as I do. The same night we all met up at Charcoal for a "welcome home sungkai dinner".

Mia checking out her aunty Mamah's handbag

Mia & her Aunty Mamah

Grandma & Grandpa finally home safe