Sunday, December 26, 2010

T'was the night Before Christmas.....

It was the night before christmas when we actually decided to put up the tree. X'mas this year was celebrated on a down-low. Very minimal on gifts compared to last year. Grandma made her spread of x'mas lunch consisting of roast turkey, lamb, roast potatoes, mashed carrot & turnip and sprouts. Before we left for Grandma's house, I set up your gift from Mummy & Daddy. A swing & slide set. When you came downstairs & saw it under the tree, the look on your face was priceless! You seemed shocked & happy at the same time. Iski lagi tu! hehehe

Saturday, December 25, 2010

25 months

Dear Princess,

Another month has passed. Alhamdullillah. Since you have turned two, you have become more 'belabih'. You are definitely your daddy's girl. Again, your musical talents showed themselves. You started saying 'Baa Baa black sheep' in the car and singing it, well parts of it.

I love communicating with you now since you know how to string words together. You still get jumbled up with certain words, like when you are having dinner and you want me to feed you, you would say "Want mummy feed you". I think its because I always ask, "Do you want me to feed you?" So now, we are teaching you to say, "Want mummy to feed Mia". Another milestone I am proud of is the fact that you are now officially 'bilingual'. Pandai sudah cakap melayu!!!! Yayyy!

The other day I was playing with the fridge magnets and put them on my eyes. It really crackled you up as you started laughing and called out to your daddy to share with him this funny episode. "Daddy, look mummy".

Unfortunately, you have caught a bad word and started saying it. It broke my heart that I had to discipline you. But if I didn't do so, you would think it was okay to say that word. After a couple of days, you finally said "Oh No" instead of the 'S' word. Thank God!

We often pass the NBT Toy Kingdom decorations and the other day you said, Look Daddy Snowman. I was absolutely shocked. Normally you would say "Mas tree all the way", but this time you said snowman. It clicked to me that you probably learnt that from Dora, your latest cartoon craze!...

So, my Princess, before you know it another month will pass by and mummy will be writing about your other latest antics. Learn away my love, learn away~~~

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mia's Birthday Celebrations

Dear Birthday Girl,

You are one lucky angel. What was suppose to be a quiet evening dinner with cake afterwards turned out to be a spontaneous mini party celebration. Mummy made steamboat that night and bought you a little cake. Then Grandpa & Grandma wanted to come over to give you your gift as well as Daddy Shaz & family and A'ee Vivi & family. Of course on top of that, you also got lovely greetings from those who love you on FaceBook!

The Birthday Girl with Daddy

The Birthday Girl with Mummy

Baca Doa selamat for Mia by Uncle BB

Surprise visit by Abang Irshad, Best Birthday gift ever!

Mia's little cake

Blowing out the candle with Grandpa

Opening Gifts

Keyboard from Grandpa & Grandma

Baby Alive from Abang Irshad

Vanity Table from Mummy & Daddy

Then the following Sunday, Mama hosted a little gathering with the family to have DimSum at Emperor's Court in your honour. Unfortunately, mummy forgot all about your cake, as your GrandAuntie Siti had passed away a day after your birthday. Then the following week, Your Mami'Nah was so sweet to organize & host a Pool party for you & your cousins. I think because you are the Masri's youngest princess, you totally get spoiled to bits! hehehe...

DimSum-ing at Emperor's court

Pool Party Games

With Kaka Elyza

Thank you Mami'Nah for this yummy cake!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Big Two!!!

"Exactly two years ago, you were born"

My dearest Sugarplum,

Alhamdullillah, you are now two years old, though we've already been teaching you to answer "two" when someone asks you how old you are. We have also achieved success when we ask, what is your name, you will say correctly "Mia". No more "anya" or "iya"!

First things first, mummy has to remind herself to always lock the door when I'm changing. You have finally figured out a technique on how to open the door though you can bearly reach the door handle. For the past couple of months, when I'm in the room and the door is closed, I would only hear the sound of the door handle being turned numerous times. But earlier this month, you successfully opened the door! Yayy for you!!!

I have already lost track on your vocabulary because it seems to be increasing tremendously. You now say "sus me" when we are in your way. Politeness is definitely a must & you have adapted to it very easily. Alhamdullillah. You have also learned to form sentences. You took me by surprise one night when you said your first almost-perfect sentence. I was cooking dinner in the kitchen and you said to your nanny, "I want see mummy cook." That put a huge smile on my face. Late last month, daddy went on a trip to KK to climb Mount Kinabalu. Though he was driving there with Uncle BB, to make you understand that he was going away, we explained to you that daddy was going on an aeroplane for a couple of days. Daddy said goodbye, gave you a kiss and a hug. Then you said, as daddy was walking out the door, "Mia want go aeroplane daddy." Aww...rawan hati mummy tarus. Next time we will bring you on a trip kay love.

The other day, you were playing with Daddy's phone but dropped it, twice so daddy has been cautious when he lends you the phone to play with. The following day, you wanted to play with his phone but daddy was using it so I took you to the bedroom to take your mind off playing on his phone. I explained to you, that if you drop the phone, it will become rosak and daddy will get angry. Half way through breastfeeding you, you stopped and said, "No touch daddy's phone, dangerous". Then you looked up at mummy and with your sweet face, smiling you said, "Mummy buy Mia phone same daddy, kay." That really cracked me up. I might just have to buy you an i-Touch very soon. You're too much of a smarty pants and I'm afraid you might remember and keep on asking already know what I keep in my handbag, you always say "Money"!!!

You also know how to use the word "This" now. Out of the blue you started pointing to my head and said, "This mummy head", did the same to daddy and said, "This Daddy head" then did the same to yourself and said "This Mia head". Must teach you "This is" next. We also have this new game we play now. Whatever you are holding, I will say, "That's my doll!" and you will reply, "Nooooo....its mine!" I have also started playing Simon Says with you. So far, you score ten out of ten listening and doing whatever I command. Excellent! Besides the word 'that', you have also been using the word 'what?'. I mumbled something to you the other day and you replied "What?" in a very loud voice. I think I must start teaching you to say 'sorry' or 'excuse me' instead of what! hehehe

A couple of weeks ago, I brought you for a walk around Jerudong Park. It was your first time and you absolutely loved it! Since then you have been asking to go every week. You saw the merry-go-round and some other rides but you were mostly fascinated by the dinosaur sculptures. So, you have dubbed JP as the 'Dinosaur Park'. The following day I brought you to Times Square. The first shop on the 1st floor when you get off the escalator is a Toy Shop so of course we had to go and have a look-see. Outside of the shop, they had set up a kiddy keyboard complete with a miniature stool. You sat down, switched it on and played it. You did not want to leave. Your Grandma & Granpa actually bought it for you (in pink) as your birthday gift today. You lucky devil!!!

While we are on the subject of music, I am glad to say you can now sing one malay nursery rhyme. Grandma was teaching you "Are you Sleeping" and since the tune is the same, she taught you "Hujan Turun". I love hearing you sing it with me with your hand gestures especially the "disini, disini" part!! Its too cute! Are you sleeping on the other hand, cracks me up when you sing the 'brother' part. You say 'Brother Jung' instead of John. I honestly think Maher Zain is a God-send. Because of his songs, you know how to say Allah, though it comes out as "Awoh". Its a start I guess. I am still amazed at how you can sing to his songs. I think you are his youngest fan.

As for your characteristics, you are definitely a friendly little kid! We were at the Philippine Embassy the other day and you made friends with a little Filipino girl who was roughly around the same age as you. You both started holding hands and running around the Embassy. You kept on bringing her over to the X'mas tree and pointing to the decorations. Maybe you'll see her again at Toddler Group!

Recently, we sat down to watch "All Dogs go to Heaven". And yet again, my sensitive lil pumpkin, just like the Heffalump movie, you cried towards the end of the movie. I must say it was sad when the dog had to leave the little girl to go to heaven. I understand how you felt since Mummy too cried during this part when I watched it many many years ago. The apple does not fall far from the tree, my love. You are your mother's daughter!

Lately, you have become very attached to your nanny. You often cling onto her when we are at family functions and always ask for her when I scold you. It often breaks my heart when you ask for your nanny to put you to sleep instead of me. It makes me think that I am a bad mother and that I am not spending enough time with you or maybe the love I have for you is not enough. Wa'lahualam. Nevertheless, my sweet little angel, though I often feel hurt & unwanted while you are going through this terrible two stage, just to let you know, I love you no matter what. Alhamdullillah, we were together today to celebrate your second birthday and mummy prays everyday that you will grow up to be a pious young lady, full of love and understanding and will always have Allah swt in your heart. Ameen.

Love you my precious one

Friday, October 29, 2010

23 Months Old

Lil Miss Mia at 23 Months

My dearest Mia,

Alhamdullillah, another month has passed. In exactly a months time you will be two years old. MasyAllah how time flies. Your vocabulary has now increased. I have realized that recently you now can use four-five words in a sentence. You have also blossomed in the music area. Now, you love to sing, especially Maher Zain's songs, twinkle twinkle, Barney's theme song, If you are happy and you know it, Barney's rainbow song and This is the way. I love singing the last song with you because we get to make up all sorts. We start off with "brush our teeth", then "comb our hair", followed by "wash our face", "wash our hands" and "drink our tea".

Towards the end of last month, I sat you down and sang the Barney song, followed by the "head shoulder knees & toes" song then twinkle twinkle little star. Then you said "Hand hand" while clapping ur hand. I looked at daddy and couldn't register what u were talking about, apparently you wanted me to sing " If ur happy and u know it clap your hands".

Sometimes your antics still crack me up, the other day, you put your doll on my tummy & told me to feed her with her pretend bottle, then I said, "Baby do u want mummy's nenen?", you quickly snatched the doll away from me and said "Noooo" and feed the doll her bottle. Jealous much? hahaha.

Since the "indo-mie for breakfast everyday" episode, I am now more careful with what your Nanny feeds you. I have stocked up the cupboard with healthy snacks and when I'm at the supermarket, I would be sure to buy some fruits. So, on most mornings now you have your Honeystars which you call "Mamam Star" and 'nulk' (milk). One morning, you were playing with your food and I said "Eat ur breakfast!", then your nanny talked about monkeys and that they would enjoy honeystars. You immediately replied "Nooo, monkey no mamam star!" hahaha

Earlier this month you were jumping from the bed to the mattress (probably perasaan it was a swimming pool! haha). You did it a couple of times and daddy said "Okay, last more and thats it. U have to stop, sakit karang". You climbed back onto the bed and said, "kay last" then jumped. Then you got ready to do another one and said "One more, kay, one more". This went on for a couple more jumps...haha. Daddy couldn't help but just smile. You are so cheeky, my lil monkey!

I have now introduced you to coloring pencils and crayons. Once you saw a pen & paper on the bar and said "Write name". Since then I've bought you a couple of colouring books but I have also been rewarded with crayon stains on your table.

You also have a fascination for Rabbits lately, especially since you have been playing with your Auntie Mimi's rabbit at her house. Two weeks ago, before going to the park, we took a stroll over to the neighbours house. I wanted to ask if they were selling their rabbits. You seem just too eager to have one. After much persuasion to go home, we left only to find you telling your daddy when we got home, "Daddy buy abbit, okay". Later on, on the way to the park, in the car, you were in the backseat and started repeating all the people you know (which you normally do), this time round, you finally added in "mimi" "mami na" and "daddy shaz"...hehehe...

I can also say that now, you have a fascination for dragons too since a couple of your dvd's have dragons in them. During one of our movie nights, we bought a dvd (How to Train your Dragon) and settled in the TV room. The yound boy in the cartoon wanted to touch the dragon, and you said "Don tach the budden...!" Your pronouncation of the word ragon and falldown sound similar so when I said, "O-oo, dragon falldown", you said "Budden Fudden"...hahaha

Another new word I have heard from you is "ello ello" which apparently means Marshmellow.
Recently your Auntie Sue arrived bearing your birthday gift, which was a huge dollhouse. Since you saw the box sitting on the patio table at Mami'Na's house, you knew it was for you so I guess you had your birthday gift earlier than expected. You absolutely love your "Babie house"...haha

Alhamdullillah, counting is another milestone achieved this month. Must of been all those times when we count the steps when we go upstairs. But, you are still missing out on four and eight. Your counting starts like this; "Wan, Tew, Tee, Five, Sik, Sefen, Nain, Ten!"....Yayyy!
Your number of words in a sentence has also increased to about four to five words. So now you can make phrases! Alhamdullillah. Some of your favourite phrases are;

"I want go mummy!"

"I want I want I want"

"I want try want try"

This afternoon you shocked me when you said, "Daddy, I want see Meow, please", referring to the Talking TomCat on his iPhone. And this evening we passed Bismi (where we went the week before) and said " want see book"....proves your memory is excellent too my love!

Keep learning my love.

P/S: We have also started Solat lessons. Its never too early to teach you how to pray my love. Insyallah, by the time you are 4 yrs old, you will be able to do sholat by yourself :)

Relaxing with Daddy main "meow"

"Graduating Music Class"

"Occupying herself in the car, colouring"

"Reading her Mermaid Book "

"Relax Mode- Watching How to Train Your Budden"

"My Princess Mia"

"With Auntie Sue & Daddy"

"Belajar how to Sholat with mummy"

Monday, September 27, 2010

22 Months Old

My Darling Daughter,

Another month has passed yet again and you are now two months shy of your second birthday. I will try my best to sort out preparations for your birthday party soon. We will have a bouncer, a pool and a variety of food while being surrounded by your loved ones!

Hari Raya this year fell on a Friday, 10th September. Since that day, your favourite word has been "Shhuuueeet". This month you have also shown us one of your many talents, singing as well as making up your own song! Sometimes we would catch you just doddling about and humming or singing to yourself. We caught you singing "Daddy, Daddy, Mummy...". When your abang Irshad was at the house the other day, I asked you to sing Irshad a song and you stalled for a while then started to sing, "Abang abang abang~" It seems like you are very attached to your abang Irshad. That same night I can just remember you walking around the living room holding your abang's hand and looking up at him. I thought it was just too adorable! I think he wanted to hang out with his brothers in the game room after that but when he let go of your hand and tried to persuade you to go into the game room with him, you pulled a long face, ran over to me and started crying and kicking. You have become a very sensitive toddler now. I guess its part of growing up.

On the 5th Day of Raya you went over to Aa'ee Vivi's house for a Raya breakfast. Your daddy told me you were playing with Irshad and either pinched or scratched his cheeks. He was about to cry but lucky your daddy told him you didn't mean it. I think you were just so "gerigitan" with him. But nevertheless, I still thought I needed to give you a pep-talk on what you did. At home, daddy told me all about it and I called you to my room to sit on my lap. You willingly did so and cutely answered my question when I asked where you had been earlier on. "Abang Irshad" was your answer. Then I asked you, did you hurt abang irshad? Did you scratch his face? Then you looked at me, thinking what to answer then you looked at your daddy. Haha. I could imagine you were probably thinking Daddy was a tattle taler for telling me. But you finally answered me and said, "abang irshad cry". I don't know if you did understand me, but it was worth a try to explain to you that what you did was wrong because you hurt abang irshad and you made him cry. That night and the next day, all you said was, "Abang akit, kish". Translated, that meant, "I hurt Abang Irshad. Can we go see him so I can kiss his cheek?" hehe. A couple of days after, she saw her Abang Irshad and all was well again.

Your Nanny has taught you the "Head Shoulders, knees & Toes" song...and everytime she sings it, you will just say the last words, like "Tooes" and "Nose"...The same thing happens when I sing the Barney song. Haha. Lately you have a fascination with keys! Everytime we leave the house, you ask for the house keys. Last week I asked you what you had in your hands. From the backseat you shouted "KEYS". Then I asked, what are they for, and you replied, "Open Door". It was the way you said that cracked me up. Sounded like you were french!

You are now a sensitive young lady and cry easily if we scold you. You have a love for "stickers" which you pronounce as 'tickers', you love riding in your little tikes car as you think you can now "drive", another word you have learnt over the past month and you now know that there is money in those green packets. Cheeky sometimes when you actually ask for money. Must teach you not to do that.

You surprised me last week though, when we were at your Grandma's house. Since they were away, we went over to check on the house. You were looking at the fish and kept saying, "Mamam fish, mamam fish". I didn't know where the fish food was so I said we would feed the fish when grandpa gets back. You still insisted on mamam-ing the fish and pointed to the cupboard. I checked the cupboard and you were right, the fish food was in the cupboard. Now Grandpa can rely on you to feed his fish when he goes away next time!

Love you princess!

Raya 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

21 Months Old

21 Months today

Dear Lil'Miss Mia,

You are 21 months today and Masyallah, you are growing. You are now one talkative lil toddler and you have had all sorts of antics. One day last month you started to do the "electrified" look in the mirror. Thank God that didn't last long. You looked funny when you did it and it absolutely cracked me up. That same weekend Daddy was away so we made Batik cake for Auntie Mamah. When it chilled you had your first bite and I'm positive you loved it! Just like mummy! The next day, we prepared your dinner consisting of rice and chicken but you refused to eat and cheekily asked for "Sup" instead. I had to quickly make soup for you so you would be full before bedtime. That Sunday, we met up with your Grandpa at the tyre shop to do mummy's tyres. Then we all went to Mall Manggis. Your grandpa brought you to the toy section and the moment you saw the baby alive doll, you said "Wowww". Your grandpa couldn't resist and ended up buying it for you. Since then you have been feeding your baby doll and changing her pampers...often sampai the sticker on the pampers won't stick anymore!

The following week you attended your first kindermusik class with Teacher Deon. Co-incidently, the music school is located just in front of your Uncle Ayah's house. Grandma accompanied us during your first class and your face lit up when she walked through the door. It was a nice experience to see how you would react in front of a class full of kids. You reminded me of your Daddy when he attends functions in a room of people he doesn't know. Very quiet and reserved. I guess it takes you time to charge-up then you take after mummy. You become a little socialite! The kindermusik class isn't just a normal music class, it helps teach you to learn new words to extend your vocabulary and understand commands. And after one class, you learnt a new word. I caught you stomping on the bed saying "march, march". Then a couple of nights after that, I told you to switch on the bedroom lamp but it wouldn't come on, so I told you to switch on the plug, and you did do so. Music class has taught you to understand my commands.

Last month we received an Akira stereo as a lucky draw gift during their annual dinner. We decided to put it in your room so you can listen to the radio. Ever since we set it up, it has mostly been on the "Al-quran" channel. Funnily enough, since then, you now sleep really soundly in your room during nap time and you don't cry when I leave you upstairs alone while I go to the kitchen. I just hear you shout "mummy, mummy" to make sure i'm still downstairs and not outside..haha. The other day we were out, just the two of us and I had Maher Zain's song on and was singing away. You joined in singing "Insyallah" but only singing the "Awwah" and the "wayyyy" part. It was too too cute! On one of the days, I was sitting on the bed watching TV and you were beside me. I caught you holding your hands up in a scooped manner and assumed you were trying to perfect your "Do'a" hands then you started doing your "Amin" correctly in front instead of sideways! Excellent my love!

The Sunday before the Ramadhan began, we were invited by Zane & his mama to their pool party. It was a nice and intimate gathering. And you were in the paddling pool nearly all afternoon. The next day you had diarrhea and felt feverish. I assume you drank too much pool water which you often like to do. Due to your sensitive skin, you started getting a diaper-rash. It was the worst one ever. It came to a point where I decided you were not to wear pampers and so I let you walk around the house with just panties. Everytime you looked like you wanted to do a number two, which was obvious as you would start crying, I would quickly put you on the toilet. We did this until your rash subsided. I thought I would be able to kill two birds with one stone and potty train you in the process, but I was wrong.

Since you have the Barbie cartoon collection, you have become a ballerina. I ask you to do the ballerina dance and you would swirl, dance around and around on your tip toes with your arms up high. Must send you to Ballet class when you are abit older. The other day Daddy asked you how much did you love him, you replied "Much" with your arms wide open! Sometimes you say the cutest things. Recently I accidentally hit my elbow on the table and you just looked at me and said "Dum dum"...Cheeky monkey!

Its nice to hear your vocabulary increasing. Besides learning the word "March" at music class, you have also learned to say "MILK" when you want your bottle of milk and Stuck when you get stuck..hehe. As for parts of your body, you now know where your armpits are! Yesterday, you saw a white car pass us by on the road, pointed and said 'daddy', then you saw a red vitara pass by and said 'mummy'. It took me awhile to realize you were associating the passing cars with the same colours as ours. I think its time to teach you colours!

Before it slips my mind, if you ever read this, I want you to know I apologize if you grow up to be a neat freak like mummy. You have already been showing signs like picking bits off my blouse, especially if I'm wearing black and you have started tucking things away neatly in your drawer in my room. At least I know you'll be a tidy kid! Talking about drawers, I love it when we are about to go out and I would tell you to get your shoes. You would run to your room, open the bottom drawer and choose the shoes you want to wear. If you're in a nice dress, you normally take out your hari raya shoes which I put back. If we're just nipping out, I would tell you to wear sandles and you choose between your sandles or your crocs. What makes this rirual even cuter is the fact that you open your top drawer to take your socks, after you have picked your shoes! It won't be long now and you'll be dressing yourself...sigh...

Love you loads baby girl

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Funday in Muara

"Lil Miss Mia"

It was the last Sunday before Ramadhan begins and we received an invite from Zane & his Mama to attend a sunday funday event at their residence. Zane's mama rented the water slide and we had a whole spread of yummy food! We arrived at midday and didn't leave till 8pm! Mia slept like a baby that night! Thank you Abby for a great Sunday!

"The Innocent face"

The baywatch babe

In the Pool with abby & baby ranya

Mia's new found friend

Awww....Sayang baby Ranya

With Abby

With Abby & Baby Ranya

Another new-found friend, Lil Miss Hannah

In the Pool with the boys.....

But will always have time for Lil Master Zane!