My dearest Sugarplum,
Alhamdullillah, you are now two years old, though we've already been teaching you to answer "two" when someone asks you how old you are. We have also achieved success when we ask, what is your name, you will say correctly "Mia". No more "anya" or "iya"!
First things first, mummy has to remind herself to always lock the door when I'm changing. You have finally figured out a technique on how to open the door though you can bearly reach the door handle. For the past couple of months, when I'm in the room and the door is closed, I would only hear the sound of the door handle being turned numerous times. But earlier this month, you successfully opened the door! Yayy for you!!!
I have already lost track on your vocabulary because it seems to be increasing tremendously. You now say "sus me" when we are in your way. Politeness is definitely a must & you have adapted to it very easily. Alhamdullillah. You have also learned to form sentences. You took me by surprise one night when you said your first almost-perfect sentence. I was cooking dinner in the kitchen and you said to your nanny, "I want see mummy cook." That put a huge smile on my face. Late last month, daddy went on a trip to KK to climb Mount Kinabalu. Though he was driving there with Uncle BB, to make you understand that he was going away, we explained to you that daddy was going on an aeroplane for a couple of days. Daddy said goodbye, gave you a kiss and a hug. Then you said, as daddy was walking out the door, "Mia want go aeroplane daddy." Aww...rawan hati mummy tarus. Next time we will bring you on a trip kay love.
The other day, you were playing with Daddy's phone but dropped it, twice so daddy has been cautious when he lends you the phone to play with. The following day, you wanted to play with his phone but daddy was using it so I took you to the bedroom to take your mind off playing on his phone. I explained to you, that if you drop the phone, it will become rosak and daddy will get angry. Half way through breastfeeding you, you stopped and said, "No touch daddy's phone, dangerous". Then you looked up at mummy and with your sweet face, smiling you said, "Mummy buy Mia phone same daddy, kay." That really cracked me up. I might just have to buy you an i-Touch very soon. You're too much of a smarty pants and I'm afraid you might remember and keep on asking already know what I keep in my handbag, you always say "Money"!!!
You also know how to use the word "This" now. Out of the blue you started pointing to my head and said, "This mummy head", did the same to daddy and said, "This Daddy head" then did the same to yourself and said "This Mia head". Must teach you "This is" next. We also have this new game we play now. Whatever you are holding, I will say, "That's my doll!" and you will reply, "Nooooo....its mine!" I have also started playing Simon Says with you. So far, you score ten out of ten listening and doing whatever I command. Excellent! Besides the word 'that', you have also been using the word 'what?'. I mumbled something to you the other day and you replied "What?" in a very loud voice. I think I must start teaching you to say 'sorry' or 'excuse me' instead of what! hehehe
A couple of weeks ago, I brought you for a walk around Jerudong Park. It was your first time and you absolutely loved it! Since then you have been asking to go every week. You saw the merry-go-round and some other rides but you were mostly fascinated by the dinosaur sculptures. So, you have dubbed JP as the 'Dinosaur Park'. The following day I brought you to Times Square. The first shop on the 1st floor when you get off the escalator is a Toy Shop so of course we had to go and have a look-see. Outside of the shop, they had set up a kiddy keyboard complete with a miniature stool. You sat down, switched it on and played it. You did not want to leave. Your Grandma & Granpa actually bought it for you (in pink) as your birthday gift today. You lucky devil!!!
While we are on the subject of music, I am glad to say you can now sing one malay nursery rhyme. Grandma was teaching you "Are you Sleeping" and since the tune is the same, she taught you "Hujan Turun". I love hearing you sing it with me with your hand gestures especially the "disini, disini" part!! Its too cute! Are you sleeping on the other hand, cracks me up when you sing the 'brother' part. You say 'Brother Jung' instead of John. I honestly think Maher Zain is a God-send. Because of his songs, you know how to say Allah, though it comes out as "Awoh". Its a start I guess. I am still amazed at how you can sing to his songs. I think you are his youngest fan.
As for your characteristics, you are definitely a friendly little kid! We were at the Philippine Embassy the other day and you made friends with a little Filipino girl who was roughly around the same age as you. You both started holding hands and running around the Embassy. You kept on bringing her over to the X'mas tree and pointing to the decorations. Maybe you'll see her again at Toddler Group!
Recently, we sat down to watch "All Dogs go to Heaven". And yet again, my sensitive lil pumpkin, just like the Heffalump movie, you cried towards the end of the movie. I must say it was sad when the dog had to leave the little girl to go to heaven. I understand how you felt since Mummy too cried during this part when I watched it many many years ago. The apple does not fall far from the tree, my love. You are your mother's daughter!
Lately, you have become very attached to your nanny. You often cling onto her when we are at family functions and always ask for her when I scold you. It often breaks my heart when you ask for your nanny to put you to sleep instead of me. It makes me think that I am a bad mother and that I am not spending enough time with you or maybe the love I have for you is not enough. Wa'lahualam. Nevertheless, my sweet little angel, though I often feel hurt & unwanted while you are going through this terrible two stage, just to let you know, I love you no matter what. Alhamdullillah, we were together today to celebrate your second birthday and mummy prays everyday that you will grow up to be a pious young lady, full of love and understanding and will always have Allah swt in your heart. Ameen.
Love you my precious one
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