My oh my Princess Mia, you are now 16 months old and you are learning so many things now that it is hard to keep up with the new things you know, do and say. Nevertheless, as your mummy, I have recorded those little things that make me smile and proud.
Firstly, your vocabulary has rocketed and you know so many words now, from animals to the parts of your body. A couple of weeks ago, we were going through your animal book and there was a picture of an elephant. I was impressed when you suddenly bursted out "Ali-phan" and made the elephant sound! Recently, I finally found the source from where you learnt the sound. The PDA toy Grandma gave you for your birthday! Excellent! Its no wonder you know how to say "Apple" properly now.
As for your movement skills, you have learnt to walk backwards. You often do it to show off and entertain mummy. Two days before mummy's birthday, we were playing with your bubble bottle and blowing bubbles, and guess what, you blew your first bubble! This will prove to be a good thing as you will learn to blow bubbles in the water at your swim class, and not drink the pool water. You have also learnt to run. You love to run! And when you are in your room, you like to play pretend with your tea-set. So now, when ever you see a plastic toy cup, you will say "Tea". Our latest game is poiting-to-parts-of body! and you have ace-ed the game totally. You can point to your hands, feet, hair, tummy, eyes, nose and mouth! Excellent!
Since you spend every friday at your auntie chenah's, you have adopted the two most often used words to identify your older cousins. You can now say "Kaka" and "abam" (abang). You know how to say "abis" now as well as "Num" for minum(drink), "Phome" (phone) "Tun" (sun) and Moon. Its cute when you start going "Bye bye Moon" when we go out at night! Its too cute! You can finally say "Mummy" but refuse to use the word. You say "Oh oh" when something has happened, like you spilled something or dropped something. You say "Ouwww" when something hurts and ocassionally you will say "akit" meaning sakit. Stringing words together is your latest achievement. You know how to say "Daddy Work" and "Daddy Ball"...haha
I love you baby girl!xoxo