Dear Darling daughter of mine,
Happy half-birthday my sweetie! You are now 18 months old, another milestone. Alhamdullillah.
I am now happy to announce that at 18 months you are now finally calling me "Mammie". It took us a while to drill the word into you but it always came out a "memeh" and it seemed like you refused to use it. But after practicing over and over again, you finally got the hang of the word and it comes out correctly, "Mammie". Previously when you and me are in the car, I would talk with you and I would often tell you to say "Mummy" but you always reply "Daddy"....and we end up just exchanging those two words like we are in an argument...its hilarious!
"Gen" is often used in your vocabulary now. Its your version of again. Anything I do that cracks you up is followed by "Gen"...haha. Another word you normally use now is "Peezzz", which is your version of please. Sometimes when you want something and you forget to say it, Daddy will always say, "What is the magic word?" and then you'll remember to say "Peezzz". Funnily enough, lately when I'm around, all you want to have is mummy's fresh breastmilk. You just tug on my shirt and say "Nenen...peezzz..". As much as it can be difficult to breastfeed a toddler and her teeth, how could one resist when you my darling are oh-so-cute when u say 'please'. Mummy & Daddy are trying our best to bring you up with good morals, manners and politeness. The other day I was watching TV and munching on my chipsters. You were eyeing me so I asked if you wanted some. Of course you nodded. I gave you some and you said, "Tan Chu Memeh."....aww, that was just too cute~
Earlier this month, we did what we normally do in the late afternoons, prop ourselves in front of the tv and of course I had to put on your favourite cartoon, Toy Story. I am beginning to think you watch that particular dvd way too many times my love as you have memorized some of the scenes and what the characters say and do..haha.
One thursday night a couple of weeks back, you my dear had caught the flu and was feverish. Being feverish means mummy does not get to have a good nights sleep. You kept on waking up, numerous times crying. We had a feeling it could be because you had a blocked nose or because you just felt terrible. So on that night, after your little cry, you sat up and started talking gibberish. Then you said, "Kaka house". For a minute, we thought you were dreaming but you weren't. For some reason, you actually knew it was friday and you would be off to your kaka's house in the morning. On that friday, you came home with a new haircut. Your auntie Inah cut your fringe!
The other sunday you had the pleasure of the company of your Grandma & Granpa. They agreed to look after you while mummy did a car boot sale with auntie Sue. Grandma told me you were a good girl and spent half the morning at the tuition school. You read some books and was interested in the Dinosaur one the most. You picked up the figurine of the dinosaur as well as the book and showed Grandma then said "Same"! You are so smart! We are still trying to name parts of the body....I think it has increased now. You now know and recognize as well as pronounce eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, feet, hands, tummy and fingers!
Besides being smart, I also think you have picked up your daddy's character of being a 'funny' comedian. While we were in the car the other night, I decided to break the silence and sing barney's "Mr.sun" song. You then said "No sun, moon!" then I asked you where is the moon? you replied "up!" Excellent. We now have another word game for the car. Things that are up such as, bird, moon, sun, star and aeroplane...I love being your teacher my love!
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