Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Antenatal Classes

I am slowly preparing for the Baby A's arrival, hah! who am I kidding, I'm over the moon and I just can't wait! Since this is my first pregnancy, I'm very worried about my breathing techniques during labour so I have been checking out if Brunei has any Antenatal classes. Believe you me, we never used to have any, but times have changed and thanks to Auntie Black Ninja, I found out there are Antenatal Classes being conducted only at JPMC (the private hospital). One does not have to be a patient at JPMC to attend these classes. Need to discuss with the hubby when we should do the classes. Will probably email the midwife sometime in August.

I immediately gave JPMC a call and they pleasantly put me through to the clinic and I spoke to one of their very helpful staff. Details I got from this helpful staff ;


ANTENATAL COURSE : 4 Antenatal Classes lasting 1 to 2 hours

DAYS CLASSES CONDUCTED : Fridays & Saturdays


BEST TIME TO START : From 28 weeks onwards


Sunday, May 25, 2008

First Maternity Bra

Time for your first maternity bra mummy? This will sure help.

Thanks to Baby Centre, I can finally get my first maternity bra!

Week 13

Dear Peanut,

Mummy is definitely increasing in size but mummy hasn't updated her wardrobe yet. BUT Auntie RH has been so nice to pass a few of her old maternity clothes (brand new & unworn) to mummy. It was so sweet of her to do so. Now mummy feels more comfortable and loose at work. Mummy didn't take the GTT test on Saturday. Apparently mummy arrived late and I have to be there by 8am so mummy is going to the clinic for the GTT on June 7th.

Mummy went shopping during the weekend to prepare for your bottom drawer. I got a couple of rompers and suits for you. I couldn't resist as they were soooo cute. Mummy plans to buy bit by bit every month so its easier when the days get closer. Mummy needs to still try and fix up ur nursery.

Mummy went to a friends baby shower yesterday and must of eaten something not to your liking because mummy couldn't sleep last night due to the upset stomach. Mummy felt very queasy. Sorry my love if that cake was too rich for you. Mummy feels much better today. Hope ur well inside there too.

Till next week,

Love Mummy

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Week 12

Dear Peanut,

You are now 12 weeks and mummy has only gained 1.7kg within the last month. Not Bad huh baby, so mummy's celebrating happily with a cheeseburger from McDonalds later. In a nutshell, the Ultrasound at Sungai Hanching Clinic went well. The Doctor gave me my first picture of you and I had a glimpse of my lil'peanut. Mummy went in first then daddy came in later and then grandma came too to have a look. When Daddy came in, you were swimming up and down in ur lil pool and as ur daddy puts it, u were doing a bicycle kick but as the doc pressed the machine onto mummy's belly and your daddy started talking, you froze and floated to the bottom. Malu I assume, just like ur daddy. hehehe...I just loved looking at ur daddy's face as he saw you, his face just lit up.

Then at my monthly visit, the same doctor did a checkup on me again and the sister was nice to give me a pep talk. Since mummy was abit worried with the terrible major increase in weight in the first month, the doctor advised a GTT test. Some sort of Glucose testing thing and blood taking which mummy will do on Saturday. worries. I will do anything for you my love.

Till next time Peanut...mummy's off.

Love u loads

Monday, May 5, 2008

Week 10

Dear Peanut,

Still calling you peanut coz mummy hasn't confirmed that ur a boy yet although mummy has a feeling you are. So until the BIG U-Day that shows me if there's a lil'birdie or not, i'm gonna keep on calling you peanut.

Its now week 10 and you have grown. Now you have toes and fingernails and i'm guessing you are having lots of fun stretching and kicking around in that sac of urs thats probably filled with lots of water, hence mummy's bloating stomach. We might be having to get a lil glimpse of you on the 8th of May coz mummy's goin for a ultra sound scan thingie soon. We'll get to hear ur heartbeat too..yayyy....

Mummy has been busy rummaging thru old clothes for a more comfortable fit coz now mummy's clothes are all sampit. But not to worry. As long as you are healthy, mummy will just go crazy trying to loose weight when ur born. Till next week munchkin. Love u loads
