Monday, May 25, 2009

Half A Year Old

Dear Sweet Mia,

Happy birthday my love. You have reached the big SIX. Six months old that is. Time has flown by so fast. You have achieved so much in your development over the past six months. Of course all mummy's out there say their baby is so smart and like the latter I too think you are definitely a smart egg. Actually according to Babycentre's milestone development chart, you are an advanced little baby. You already started crawling before you were six months old. Mummy and Daddy are so proud of you.

So far my love, your major accomplishments are feeding yourself by holding your own bottle, crawling in a froggie kind of way, screaming out loud or more like shrieking out loud, you have responded to the word "No" and last but not least, you know your name, Mia.

Besides the major accomplishments above, you have also learnt to roll over and "partially" roll back onto your tummy with a little help from mummy or daddy. You have become very fond of your mirror image but you just can't seem to figure out that it's actually your own reflection. It's adorable seeing you talking to your reflection and also flipping the mirror to see if there's anyone behind it. I'm sure you'll work it out soon, my love. I always love playing with you during our mummy-daughter time because I normally get you to laugh out loud, more often than before. A couple of nights ago, because you wouldn't shut your little eyes to sleep, I sat you in your bouncing chair and naturally, you pulled all your toys down from the bar. I had to pick them up and stick them back up. And you did it again. I think we must of did it over and over again about ten times. It was getting late so I picked you up and tried to rock you to sleep but I had no luck. I gently patted your bum and in a stern voice I said "Mia, Sleep". You pulled a face and started to cry. I didn't mean to make you cry but that incident proved to mummy that you definitely know when you are in trouble. Nevertheless, I know you still love me, right?

Although mummy works five days a week, I make it a must to spend as much time as I can with you after I get home from work. Even when I'm eating, I would sit you beside me in your high chair while I eat. Lately though, it seems to want to have a taste of whatever I'm eating as you always smack your lips together or lick your lips with your tongue whenever I put food in my mouth. I guess that's one sign that you have to be weaned. Mummy has also realized for the past week, you have been waking up in the middle of the night and feeding like you haven't been fed all day. Sign number two, hunger in the middle of the night.

Yesterday, my love marked a milestone for you. It was Day 1 of weaning you. Mummy made porridge for you for breakfast and you enjoyed it. It did change your sleeping pattern again but still you woke up in the middle of the night, hungry. So mummy is going to give you two feedings starting next week. Once in the morning and once around 6pm. Mummy hopes that will do the trick so you can sleep right through till morning. Mummy is currently trying to teach you sign language so when you are a little bigger and you still haven't found your words yet, you will be able to communicate with mummy. So far mummy is teaching you the sign for 'milk' which is basically just opening and closing of your hand, like you are squeezing something. Funnily enough, since I taught you that sign, everytime you breastfeed, you tend to do that sign on mummy's breast and if you are bottle feeding, you do it to your bottle. Coincidence? I don't think so. I think you know what the sign means. Such a baby-genius! Mummy's next goal is to teach you how to wave.

Mummy has to go now and prepare for your "Half year birthday" party tonight. Love you loads my little pumpkin!!

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