Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

Last weekend, we spent just relaxing, enjoying the day as it came. Now Mia can sit in her bath tub without me holding her and she enjoys playing with her rubber duckie during bath time. At lunch time we accompanied Grandma to the new port in Serasa to send off Uncle Azim and Auntie Suesue who were spending the weekend in Labuan. Then we went home. Mia spent the afternoon spending quality time with her daddy before he went off to his football match. As we were about to drop by to watch him play and bring his bottle of 100 plus, Mia fell asleep in the car, holding the plastic bag with her daddy's drink. Because Mia fell asleep, I decided to just make my way to Mia's grandparents house for steamboat. It was sort of a "Eve of Mother's Day" event and Mia got to spend a little time with her cousins, Alisha & Aqyra.

Bath Time with Mr. Duckie

Falling asleep holding daddy's drink

On Sunday, it was Mother's Day and Mia gave me the best mother's day gift ever. She let me sleep-in till Eleven in the morning. It was a lazy Sunday. Around 4-ish we made our way to Alai Zubaidah's place for Hi-tea with the KWC. Aaa...our weekly dose of Alai Z and Baby Zane which I always look forward to. I definitely had a blast with this gorgeous group of ladies and I'm sure Mia enjoyed herself too with all the ladies baby sitting her, especially Nadiah. She was so good with Mia. When we arrived home, mummy dropped by with her gift for baby Mia. A play Pen, let me rephrase that, a huge play pen. We set it up into an hexagon shape, put down a duvet and sprawl Baby Mia's toys all over. I sat her in there and she took to it almost immediately. Its relieving knowing she's safe and won't be crawling everywhere (once she can really crawl, that is). I love my mummy & Bapa for being so considerate and buying it for us. At the moment, we are keeping it in our room but in a couple of weeks time, when she can really crawl, its going in the TV room.

Mia & Mummy on Mother's Day

The HUGE play pen can fit Mummy, Daddy & Mia

Mia now has a habit. She tugs on her right ear and plays with it when she is sleepy and when she's having her evening feed. It's sooo cute. Also, when she feeds, not only does she have the teat in her mouth, but she likes to put her thumb in her mouth too. Go figure~

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