Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Baby Amellia

I am proud to announce the arrival of
Baby Amellia Anddy
born on the 25th November 2008 at 12.50am, weighing 3.1kg.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Week 38

Dear Princess,

Mummy has finally started maternity leave and so far I'm enjoying the rest. It does make me wonder though whether you can tell the difference. I'm probably more active being at home with doing the laundry everyday and tidying up compared to the daily sit-at-desk-and-go-online at the office. At home, I find all sorts to do. For the past two days mummy has finally caught up with the laundry. Yayy!

On saturday mummy purchased your feeding chair to put in your nursery.Although I had my eye on the Ikea armchair, it was just too costly and would take over a month to order so mummy ended up buying this really comfy recliner chair from Thompsons at a whooping B$85. Reasonably priced thats why I bought it.

Mummy has also finally splurged on two nursing bra's. This was quite a hard task to do since mummy tried window shopping for the cheapest one. Luckily mummy is big-boned and bra's at mothercare for the big-sized woman is discounted. Mummy got two nursing bra's for the price of BS39.90. A very good bargain I would think.

Mummy has also finally completed packing the mum & dad hospital bag. I've got everything on the list except the electrical items which will be packed on the day itself. All the things that need to be brought to the hospital on D-day are in one area so daddy will know what to carry to the car; The Baby box, The big bag, your pillow & bolster set and your moses basket.

As for the rest of my maternity leave before you arrive my precious daughter, mummy will try to finish painting your room, buy you a wardrobe and stock up on things that you might need like some clothes, swaddles...bla bla bla...

Ooooo....I can't wait to see you my love!


Mummy at 38 weeks

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Wednesday, 12 Nov 2008

Judging myself while reading what I have written since getting pregnant, I think its safe to assume that I have been in a nesting mode since my second trimester. My Sayang, on the other hand, apparently has only just gotten into his nesting mode. Funny thing is, I did not know father-to-be's also could get into the nesting mode. Nesting for my sayang is actually on a whole different level than mine. I nest by shopping for baby and preparing for her arrival whereas my sayang decides to splurge on a new home entertainment system so "baby can enjoy watching sesame street" while we are at work. Haha!

Over a span of two days, Sayang has bought a Home Theater Set, a new plasma TV and a TV bench to complete our TV room, which is now just perfect. First he bought the home theater set then the Plasma TV. Last night we went to Growing Stars to purchase Baby A's chest of drawers and in the process saw the perfect TV bench for the TV room. So, we bought those two items and ended up assembling the TV bench last night before sitting down to enjoy the new set up.

Daddy's new Entertainment set up

Baby A's new chest of drawers will be arriving tonight so I'll be able to do a little folding and putting things into the drawers during my maternity leave. As maternity leave starts on Monday, I'll also be able to drive down to Sengkurong to have a look see at the white wardrobe in Index. They didn't have any new stock at growing stars of the one I actually wanted, so the next best thing is at Index. A bit more pricey than the one in Growing Stars but its the only one around. I still have my eye on the feeding chair at Growing stars. Will wait for the end of the month to purchase it though. Mummy has already sorted out Baby A's crib, so now its just finding affordable bedding for the cot. I still need to buy a few knick knacks like extra towels, baby's bath set and some of her toiletries. Gosh! I really didn't think it took so much preparation for such a tiny human being.

Baby A's New White Drawers

Thursday, 13 Nov 2008

I had a blast last night while I was out & about doing my own kind of nesting. Sayang had his final night out with the boys before his confinement at home or "being grounded" as he puts it. I appreciate him knowing how important it is for him to stay at home over the next few weeks as I could go into labour anytime, especially for him. Sayang loves his football and occasional night out with the boys so it really means a lot to me when he is willing to just stay home and be there, just in case. Then again its not like he could get bored at home. We have the entertainment system and his X-box plus the boys are always welcome over to keep him company.

So, while he was out, I decided to go out too. First I dropped by to Bismi and bought Baby A's Buku Yasin coz I think she deserves her own plus the one I bought was small enough to put in her baby box. Then I made a trip to Hua Ho Kiulap where I ended up in the Baby section purchasing a waterproof mat for Baby A's cot, a Winnie the Pooh Swaddle blanket with matching mittens & booties. I also got the remaining toiletries like cotton wool, a bottle of Johnson's Baby lotion, top-to-toe wash and baby powder. The underten Valuemart was my last stop. I found Ikea drawer dividers there which seemed perfect for Baby A's new drawer chest.

The Ikea drawer organizer
(Adorable Baby booties from Baby A's uncle Azim)

Ergonomically Designed Grooming Set
(A gift to Baby A from her Uncle Azim)

This morning was my weekly hospital check up. My BP was ok and my weight had increased from 93kg to 93.6kg. I just hope I don't reach the 100kg mark. That would kill me. I can't imagine carrying all that weight around.

Friday, 14 Nov 2008

Last night was spent having a little quality time with my Sayang. Before you get all sorts of ideas, let me correct you if you think we either had a romantic dinner or a night out at the movies. Our quality time together started off by ordering 'delivery' from McDonalds, then out to the stationary shop to buy a big black piece of cardboard then back home to proceed with trying to hide the electrical wires hanging around the TV area.

Maternity leave starts on Monday so I will definitely have a blast with last minute preparations. I've already got a list of things to do to keep me occupied during my pre-labour days. I've already started a habit of putting on Little einstein's CD's on TV for Baby to listen to in the mornings, courtesy of Azim who bought them in Singapore during his recent trip. Baby A always starts kicking when she hears the characters singing. I still need to try and purchase the Baby einstein DVD's for baby A. Will sort that out next week.

Little Einsteins CD's for Baby A

Sunday, November 9, 2008

37 Weeks - The Baby Shower

My dear bundle of joy,

Since our last hospital appointment, I have been counting your movements and I must say you are quite active. Between 9am to 5pm (mummy's working hours), you move about 12 to 15 times. That does not include your active movements in the middle of the night. Even your daddy felt you kicking at 4 in the morning on Saturday night. He gently whispered to you to go back to sleep. You must be making your appearance soon coz mummy is having difficulty sleeping at night and also having dreams of you already being here.

Your Orang Putih Sasat Mummy and Aunties

Our Sunday was a blast, your Auntie Gail threw us a surprise baby shower with a little help from your grandma, uncle azim, auntie Sue, auntie hazel and your daddy. Your Uncle Azim made a date with mummy to have lunch and do some baby shopping a week before, which is not out of the ordinary but mummy thought she smelt something fishy when your daddy remembered my lil'date with your uncle Azim. And apart from that, your uncle azim who is always an indecisive and a very go-with-the-flow person surprisingly had the day all planned out. We had lunch at Country patch, which my dear daughter will be our little breakfast place when you arrive coz its nice and cosy. Mummy had a yummy sandwich and a scone which was delish! We then made our way to Mothercare and your Uncle Azim bought you an Ergonomically designed Grooming Set and some Pink Booties. So basically your uncle azim wants you to always look good with great shoes! hehehe...Our final stop was Hua Ho Manggis Mall where we just browsed around. Mummy was getting quite tired and cranky (as your uncle azim put it) so we made our way home. We got home to see your Grandma's car and your Auntie Gail's car in the driveway. Hah! Suspicions confirmed. And so that is why they all wanted mummy out of the house for the afternoon. Your Grandma, auntie gail and auntie Sue put up balloons and set the table up with yummy desserts. It was chocolate heaven~ Alai Umar was there to surprise mummy. He's a handsome lil'devil with beautiful eyes. Auntie Intan and Auntie Dian were also there to surprise mummy too. It was so sweet of them to come. Daddy was also in it all along but stayed out of the way when your aunties were preparing the food. Your Auntie Hazel called and apologized for not being able to come as she had a wedding to attend and your Auntie Mel sent over a yummy cake for the shower...which Auntie Gailey dug into with her finger...hehe..Around sixish, your auntie Yanti came over to join us.

Fresh Cream Cake from Auntie Mel

Mummy's X'mas Tree Mud Cake from Auntie Sue

All in all, it was a great day with the girls (i.e. your aunties). Sometimes its just great to have a girly day with your girlfriends. I hope you'll grow up being able to find a great bunch of girlfriends like mummy has. Your Auntie Gailey is such an angel for hosting the baby shower and I'm very much honoured since it was her first time hosting an event...hehe.. and she did a great job!

Mummy has to go work now...Love you sweetums!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Before Confinement - a little reminder to myself

Before I end up in Labour and delivering Baby A into this world, I still need to stock up on some more things as I don't think I'd want to pester my sayang to go to the shops and do baby shopping. Confinement will be 40 days but i'm sure I'll be able to step out of the house a week later, but we'll see. In the mean time, I'll need things to last me at least a week. Once I get Baby A's Bath & Change area done, i'll need to get these stuff so that they are in hands reach.
  • Baby Wipes
  • A big bottle of Johnson's Top to Toe
  • A Big bottle of Johnson's Baby Lotion
  • A big bottle of Johnson's baby powder
  • A packet of disposable diapers (will buy on the day I leave the hospital)
  • Baby towels
I know the first week will be all about baby. I'm sure she'll be the center of our world yet that is no excuse for me not to look after myself. I'll need to find a lady to help massage me and bind me up after giving birth. I also need to purchase that "Tropical Herbs Post Natal Care" from Amway. It such a great set. It comes with all the herbs and a free binder. Will contact my Amway mates for that at the end of the month.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Baby A's 4D Scan

Baby A

Chubby Cheeks just like mummy
Cute chin just like mummy
Sexy & pouty lips like daddy
and a nose that i'm not sure is like whose just yet...

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I've finally gotten started and nearly finished with packing the hospital bags. I didn't realize there are so many bulky things to pack for a hospital stay of 2 days. I actually have to pack 2 bags. One for myself & hubby and the other for Baby A. My bag is still incomplete as I still need to put in Nursing Bra, Bra Pads, Dressing Gown, water bottle, my cardigan and 1 more Towel. As for my toiletries, I need to add in 2 Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Deodorant, body lotion and baby oil. Couple days before D-Day, I'll need to put in a change of clothes for myself, a change of clothes for my better half, 2 pillows, a throw-over, ipod & headphones, camera & charger and the mobile phone chargers. Besides all that, I will have to also remember to put in Baby's Blanket & pillow set for the hospital crib.

Its really not easy trying to get organized. But so far, so good. I've got Baby A's first outfit ready. Mummy was so nice to wash some of the baby's clothes so once she did that, I packed one set consisting of a sleepsuit, a pair of mittens, a hat, a diaper, a swaddle blanket and a towel in a zip lock bag (idea courtesy of Jenny). This keeps the baby clothes smelling nice plus none of Baby A's stuff in her baby box will be messed up by the nurses or get germs on them. Thanks Jenny! Baby A's daddy suggested that an all white attire would be appropriate, "Bersih usulnya" he said.

Baby A's First All-White Outfit
(Courtesy of her Auntie Mama)

Baby A's box is ready too. I bought one of those Baby Boxes from Mothercare ages ago and have been trying to fill in up since. Now its finally perfect after asking nearly everyone what would be the necessary things to bring as I don't won't to overload myself with things I won't end up using. Kak Ayu is a god-send. She basically gave me the run-down on what actually would be needed for the hospital and briefed me on what to expect at the RIPAS hospital.

Baby A's box consists of 3 outfits, one towel, 2 binders, 2 tarry nappys (for breast feeding), 20 diapers, 2 swaddle blankets, Baby wipes and toiletries; powder, lotion, cologne and diaper cream. Mummy also put in a bar of Johnson's Baby soap so everything in the box will smell Johnson-nie!! hehe..Thanks mummy! As for the diaper cream, I have decided not to use the Drapolene so I'm going to have to nip out later and buy a tub of Sudocream. In the process of doing shopping I will also have to remind myself to buy cotton wool, Johnsons Baby oil, Minyak Telon and buku Yasin yang small.

Baby A's Box

Assuming all goes well, insyallah and its time to leave the hospital, I think I am going to have to break the 'Babyzone' rule of putting baby in a carrier since we haven't bought one. Instead, baby will be travelling home in her Bassinet. Of course I'll be sitting in the back seat with her and it won't be for a long period as we only live 5 minutes away from the hospital. I finally purchased the Moses basket from mothercare but had to air it out because the basket had a funny smell. Mummy also washed the covers for the bassinet and she iron-ed them too. I owe her alot. I wouldn't know what to do without her. If you happen to read this mummy, I love you!!!
I think she deserves a very special gift from me for her birthday in January.

The moses basket

Week 36

Dear Princess,

Aha! Notice the "princess"? Mummy found out you were a girl last week, wuhoo! More shopping for you. You'll be the best dressed baby on the block. Mummy has had a blast over the last couple of days looking for pink stuff for you to wear during your arrival.

Your Grandma came over on Saturday and took most of your 'first-few-days' clothes as well as your bassinet covers for washing. By Sunday lunch time they were back with me. It was so sweet of your grandmama to do your laundry. I will always be in her debt. Unfortunately, I found out your grandmama and grandpa wont be here to celebrate your first Christmas so we will be doing other arrangements instead of the traditional lunch at your grandparents house. Although mummy was quite upset to hear the news, I guess we can't be too selfish, can we? I guess its no big deal that they won't be around for your first x'mas. Its not that important, as if you'll even know what the big hoo-hah holiday is about anyways.

And so, thanks to your Grandma, mummy has finally packed your hospital box consisting of most of the things you'll need during our stay at the hospital and I have also prepared your arrival bag consisting of a towel for the nurses to wipe you down, your suit, a pamper, mittens and hat the nurses will put on you after you pop out and a swaddle blanket so you'll feel nice and warm. Mummy's hospital bag is almost complete. Again your Grandma was so nice to help mummy and bought maternity pads as well as disposable panties for mummy. She also washed mummy's new nighties and gave mummy two sarongs to use in the hospital. Now mummy just needs to buy the odd toiletries and a nursing bra and i'll be set!

You'll be able to feel a change in mummy's daily routine next week as I will be taking my maternity leave starting the 15th November. Then, hopefully mummy will be able to finish up on your room. It's okay kan sayang if its not ready by the time you arrive. You'll be sleeping in mummy's room anyways for the first month.

Anyhoo munchkin, Mummy has to go work dulu. Enjoy yourself in there coz I'll be seeing you soon! Love you!