Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hapidz Big Day

An Exhausted-looking Baby Mia

Beautiful Auntie Mama & Baby Hapidz

Dear Mia,

Yesterday was Auntie Mamah and Hapidz's big day. They had their Majlis Mandi belawat. Since you have been very stable on your legs, you had no intentions of being held. Mummy had to chase after you all day yesterday. In the morning, we dropped by Grandma's & Grandpa's house to welcome them home. They had just arrived the previous night from Qatar. Again, I wanted to see your expression when you saw your Grandma. At first your face was just serious then you walked over to your Grandma and gave her a big hug. It actually looked like you were hanging on with your dear life and weren't going to let her go. During our short visit you were showing off to your Grandma how you have mastered walking (with shoes on) and you were walking round the house like it was no ones business. You must of been exhausted from all that walking as you fell asleep on the ride home. I did not want to wake you but we had to get ready for Auntie Mamah's function.

At your Auntie Mamah's house, you tired me out. Walking here and walking there, chasing you here and chasing you there. Obviously you did not want me to carry you as you started to cry everytime I picked you up. I love knowing that you are an independant little princess but my love, I also hope you learn that sometimes at functions you have stay still and sit down. Luckily, your daddy's friend, Uncle Alai, who is also Uncle Razak's cousin, has an adorable sister. She was entertaining you and walking with you to where ever you wanted to go.

Auntie Mamah looked absolutely beautiful yesterday, unfortunately, I think you weren't able to take a photo with her. Not to worry, we'll be sure to take a picture of you with her before she leaves.


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