Wednesday, November 25, 2009

One Year Old

Dearest Birthday Girl,

Happy Birthday my sweet little angel!!! Today you turn one years old! Mummy can't believe how time has flown by so fast. Nevertheless, it has been a great year. Over this last month you have amazed me some more with the new things you have learnt.

Just after you turned 11 months, your vocabulary started to increase. Of course now you know how to say Daddy properly. You started saying and pointing to your "Shoos". You also started using the words "Neish" (nice) and "abis". Pintar anak mummy. Over the next few weeks, you learned to say "Peeash" (please) and "Tan Chu" (Thank you). Now you are smart as well as well-mannered. Alhamdullillah. You seem to like singing and during this time you started singing your "Papapapapa papapa" song. Its just too cute, especially when you are trying to entertain yourself in the car when its just the two of us. hehe.

Now, you automatically count by yourself, especially when we are in the car; "onnn", teewww" then the rest are just muffled numbers. But you end up clapping ur hands when your are finished. A couple of weeks ago you were quietly sitting in your playpen playing with your teddy and you started playing pretend and feeding teddy with your shaped blocks. I guess that just goes to show that you have a great imagination. We have also come to realize that when you wake up in the morning in our bed, you will start whispering to yourself. Daddy thinks its because you don't want to wake us up just yet. After a while then you start talking loudly and pestering us to wake up. Daddy is now a proud man. He has thought you to salam daddy & mummy when we come home and when we leave and you do it so perfectly now. I love how you smell our hands...hehe...

Last week though, when I came home from work, your nanny informed me you had taken the Astro card and hid it somewhere. We spent an hour searching high and low for it. I asked you where you had hidden it while taking out all the DVD's and putting them in the laundry basket so I wouldn't make a mess. Of course you couldn't answer me but what you did afterwards made me think that you were telling me where it was. You started taking out the DVDs I had put in the basket. Apparently you had slotted the cardin between the plastic cover and casing of your Barney CD. It just makes me wonder what was going through your mind when you did that. Were you thinking that by doing so, Barney would come on TV? hehe..

Two weeks ago you had the pleasure of spending the night at Grandma's. I think it was the first time for you to sleep elsewhere. Grandma set up the mattress on the floor and you slept well only waking up once for a quick feed. Last week, you were a good girl when daddy brought you out for the first time. Just you and him. Daddy and Daughter day out. Daddy said you were well-behaved and did not cry at all.

Mummy hopes you will enjoy the next few days as I have a few things lined up for you. Till then, lots of love, hugs and kisses, Mummy!

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