Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 31

Dear Peanut,

In less than 10 weeks, mummy & daddy will have the honour of you gracing us with your presence. It won't be long now munchkin. You've definitely turned out to be an active lil one. I have a feeling you're doing your somersaulting and rotating so you can get into the 'right' position, although it does make mummy feel funny inside when you do so. That will probably be one of the things I'll miss about being pregnant with you.

It's funny how you tend to really get jiggy with it especially when mummy & daddy are watching the UFC DVD's daddy bought recently. You tend to move alot when daddy's favourite UFC champion, George St. Pierres starts doing his thing in the octagon and when the commentator, Bruce Buffer starts introducing the UFC fighters. Could you be enjoying mixed martial arts? Or do you just enjoy listening to the 'wild-crowd' noises? Hmm...could it be possible you'll be a lil'rascal like your daddy when he was younger? Only time will tell....

We will be sighting the moon tonight dear and so maybe tomorrow or the following day will be Hari Raya. A celebration you'll only able to enjoy next year. This year you can enjoy it in the comfort of your own little space.

Mummy has been waking up and scaring the lights out of your daddy recently...hehe...I couldn't help it, mummy just felt the cramps in my legs coming and woke up saying "Awwww aww awww, cramp cramp cramp cramp.." Your sweet daddy, of course immediately woke up and helped mummy control the leg cramps before they came. Now, if you turn out to be a boy, make sure you're as sweet as your dad ok? Mummy has been sleeping fine so far (knock wood) except last night, mummy had the weirdest dream. I was driving the car with your auntie mimi and kinda drove off the cliff accidentally and landed in the beats the first weird pregnancy dream I had in my first trimester. Dreamt of Auntie Wiwi, losing tonnes of weight and showing off by walking around without clothes on...hahaha...weird~

Anyhoo, sweetums...u rest now. Mummy & Daddy can't wait! Luv u!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Depression has suddenly kicked in. Maybe its because of yesterdays clinic check up. It seemed to have not gone so well. Apparently my BP is high and my weight increase for this month has gone over the limit. And it will be the GTT test again for me. That will make it my third one hence the referral to the Dietician.

On top of that, I received some news that someone has been talking about me behind my back accusing me of being jealous. oh please! I would think I wouldn't act so "hormonal" if I wasn't pregnant, but being as I am, 7 mths pregnant, on hearing such accusations, it somehow disrupted my day. I have become truly upset. My sleep was disturbed and tears kept on streaming down my face. Okay, thats just not me. On any normal un-pregnant day, I would feel upset for an hour or so then just shrug it. But this time, haiyaaa!

So last night was the first. I was up all night thinking and came to the realization that I somehow feel very alone. Yes, I have a husband but he can't cater for my feelings all the time. If I did tell him my true feelings, I would probably get "Biar tia, atu dosa nya...just forget it lah". So being the quiet, un-nagging wife that I am, I just kept it to myself. Yes, I do have a family was someone in the family that has accused me of being jealous. It doesn't make sense. When someone in your family has been successful, do you think I am ridiculously SAD to be jealous. Of course I should be proud. Yet, it seems that someone thinks money and status is everything. In my eyes, if you reached the jackpot, may it be through good intentions or bad, that is your rezeki. Excuse me but I am perfectly happy with my life. I have my house, my loving husband and my bun in the oven. I do not need a million dollars to put a smile on my face. I have all that I need. Yes, I may struggle with my finances at times but I do not need to rely on others to live. I make my own living, I am independent and I can be proud of that. Furthermore, I am thankful, I am happy, I am content. So, stuff that where the sun don't shine!

I can't wait for this lil one to arrive. I'm sure he/she will be the only thing that will change how I feel. Please come fast Baby, Mummy feels very lonely and only you can change that!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Facts on Varicose Veins

Courtesy of Dr. Gerard M. DiLeo (Baby Zone)

  • They won't go away, because you've always had these veins, but hopefully they'll shrink back down to their pre-pregnancy size and become unnoticeable.
  • Sometimes veins can get so inflamed (especially when they're hemorrhoids) that a surgeon has to lance or remove them, but this is something best left until after pregnancy if they persist.
  • The reason why pregnancy makes a woman more prone to this engorgement of blood vessels is that the weight of the baby and uterus presses on the vena cava, the main drainage blood vessel bringing blood back to the heart from the lower body. This tends to impede the flow, and gravity dependent areas back up and engorge the most.
  • Propping up the legs during bed rest helps, too. In the meantime, the engorgement of blood within the veins can be kept pressed out by applying pressure. There are maternity stores and medical supply stores which have girdles and hose specifically designed to keep these types of things under control. They're not great, but they'll help.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pregnancy Fun Facts


I am now at week: 28 weeks

I am expecting Baby No: One

Sex of Baby: Unknown

Place of Delivery: RIPAS Hospital, Bandar Seri Begawan

Expected Date of Delivery: 1st December 2008

Baby's First Kick: July 10th, Lunchtime

First Symptoms: March 30th (Tiredness & Missed Period)

First Hint: Slept all Sunday

My Reaction: Happy with Tears of Joy

Hubby's Reaction: Dropped his mobile phone after reading my texted message

Family's reaction: Overjoyed

Baby Name: will be revealed when baby arrives

3 D Scan: End of this month

Total weight gained: 20 kilos

Bra size: 40D

Clothes Size: Increased from size 12 to Size 16

Shoe Size: Increased from 7 to 8

Pregnancy Blues: Not really

Pregnancy Problems: Just a little over weight for my liking


Weirdest Food Craving: Not weird ones, just normal day to day cravings. Started with Steamboat, then soups, soups and more soups followed by vegetables, barbequed chicken and now its lamb chops.

Weirdest thing done/like/hate since pregnancy: I just can't stop laughing like a hyiena.

Things you miss doing: being fit to do everything

Funniest moment: just too many

Weirdest thing you were asked to practice: Nothing weird, just superstitions like don't drink coke, don't stand under the door frame, don't tie a towel round your neck...bla bla bla

Saddest moments: hmm...can't recall

do you look/feel pregnant: most definitely

Happiest people are: besides me, the father to be, his mother, my mother and our siblings.

Maternity clothes: Mostly mothercare & thyme Maternity


Next Check up: 24th September

Hong long before baby is due: 11 weeks

Natural? or C-Section?: Natural Birth please with options of pain killers

Scared or Looking forward to delivery? A little of both

Any other Pregnant people around you? Yes....Alai Z who will be due in April, and Izan whose due the same time as me!

To Breast Feed or not to Breast Feed, that is the question

Dear Bloggie,

Been surfing the net for an electrical breastpump. I have decided that I will try and breast feed Baby A for at least the first 6 months of his/her life. I know it's going to be tough especially since I have to go back to work after my maternity leave. My officer was so kind to increase my maternity leave from 2 to 3 months. Basically he said to take all the time I need. Wuhoo! Nevertheless, I will think 3 months maternity leave will be sufficient. I will then have 3 whole months to sort out baby's milk, when to express and how to express. I currently have the Avent manual breast pump, given to me by my SIL but I think a battery operated one would suit me better so I've currently got my eye on this...
Philips Avent ISIS Single electronic breast pump Out and about set

I have no idea where I can buy it just yet but will browse around the usual baby-shops and see if I can find it. Worse comes to worse, I'll ask someone to get it for me when they go abroad. Insyallah, with this I'll be able to breast feed with comfort for the first 6 months.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Checklist

Furniture for Baby's Nursery
  1. Cot / Crib & mattress - Gift from the family
  2. Cot sheets
  3. Pillow & pillow case
  4. Baby Blanket
  5. Wardrobe - Got my eye on the white one at growing star B$310
  6. Dresser of drawers / Changing Table - The white one at growing star B$245
  7. Baby Monitor
  8. Night Light
  9. Hamper for dirty laundry
  10. Feeding chair - Two choices from growing star: Red B$ 310, Beige B$ 180
  11. Side table - Growing Star B$70
  12. Carpet
  13. Moses Basket - Got it
  14. Changing Mat - Got it

Baby's Daily Essentials
  1. Baby clothes
  2. Baby Towels
  3. Baby Bath tub
  4. Baby detergent
  5. Diapers

Baby's Toilettries
  1. Baby soap/wash
  2. Baby shampoo
  3. Baby lotion
  4. ear buds
  5. cotton wool
  6. minyak telon & balut
  7. Diaper cream (Sudocream)
  8. baby wipes
  9. baby powder
  10. Gripe water
  11. Baby Thermometer
  12. Nasal aspirator
  13. comb
  14. Nail Clippers

  1. Stroller
  2. Infant carrier
  3. High chair
  4. Bibs
  5. Burb cloth
  6. Play pen

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Week 28

Dear Peanut,

Its a real shame that your Auntie Sue had to return back to Canada with your cousins. You won't be able to meet them in person when you arrive. I'm guessing you'll be able to meet them when you're about 2 years old, insyallah. Anyhoo, Mummy is actually overjoyed with some news that she received. Auntie AZ, daddy & mummy's friend just found out she is pregnant so by April next year, by that time you'll be about 4 months old, you'll have a playmate..yayy!

I was quite upset on Saturday as one of the kittens had its leg crushed by the Gas bottle. Mummy brought it to the vet but when we got there, Ella (the kitten) jumped out of the maids hands and ran off into the jungle. I thought I had lost her. On hearing this, ur daddy gave sedekah and prayed for the best. Incredibly, around 11pm, the vet called mummy telling me he had found Ella. He stitched her up and kept her overnight. Mummy picked her up on Monday and was so glad to see her. I hope you'll be a cat lover too one day, just like mummy & daddy. I'm sure you'll love Ella and little Nicki too.

Anyhoo lil'peanut, Mummy has finally decided where to give birth. As much as mummy wants to give birth in a nice, clean, 5-star private hospital, i.e. JPMC, mummy has decided otherwise and will stick it out at RIPAS hospital and just wish that I'll get a private room. Reason for mummy choosing RIPAS is cause mummy has about 7 friends who have given birth at JPMC and only one went through natural labour. The rest had to have c-sections for various reasons and mummy doesn't want to have a c-section just yet. So its set, its the Government hospital all the way.

Thanks to your Auntie Mimi's advice, mummy's legs aren't as swollen as before. Mummy has gotten into the habit of massaging my feet every afternoon and every night. It must be the heavy load thats straining mummy's feet. No baby, you aren't to blame. I'd would fly to the moon and back for you so mummy's not complaining. Mummy actually dreamt of you last night. You were a very healthy baby (errmm Boy). But thats beside the point. You had soft skin, a stubby nose and chinese looking eyes..hehehe..hmm...I wonder~

Until next week sayang, Mwuah!

P/S: Your Uncle Didih is back from his quarterly visits to Japan. That means we'll get your nursery done earlier than expected coz your Uncle Didih is our very own handyman..hehehe

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Things to do this month

Dear Bloggie,

I think I may have about 90 days left before my due date which really is not that far off. I actually feel like the time has just flown by, totally the opposite of what people told me. Anyhoo, I've got three more months to prepare and this month I'm concentrating on fixing up the empty spare room that has now been dubbed the "Baby's Room". Since we still don't know the gender of our little peanut and since we don't really agree to the blue for boy nursery and pink for girl nursery, we are going to keep within the decor of our house, modern contemporary so, baby's room will be painted an earthly BROWN. I've listed down the things that I really need to do this month.

Things to do for Baby's Room
  • Paint baby's room
  • Buy Chest of Drawers, Wardrobe & Shelving Unit
  • Buy Carpet
  • Buy Baby's Cot
  • Put up pictures in Baby's Room
  • Find Brown material for curtains
Things to buy for Baby this month
  • WTP Bath set
  • WTP Baby Box
  • Changing Mat

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week 27

Dear Peanut,

How's my munchkin doing today? So far, so good I hope. Mummy had diarrhea again on Monday. I must be eating the wrong things. I have no idea what it was I ate that caused it. I must be careful with what I eat coz the cramps can get very painful. Mummy has been having terrible heartburn which is due to the blocking of mummy's asparagus ...hehehe...its actually Oesophagus but mummy had difficulty saying it while explaining to ur grandma & ur daddy and ended up saying asparagus, which is actually a fruit sayang (or could it be a vegetable?)

On Monday, we had a visit from Santa Clause, the indian version. Your Auntie Imah's driver dropped by with a black bag full of goodies. It took me about an hour to take everything out. Auntie Imah gave us tons of clothes, some baby bedding, toys, shoes and bottles as well as a really cool breast pump. She must of read my mind because it was just the day before that mummy was sorting out your bottom drawer of the things I had already got for you.

Mummy has to start sorting out your room. Maybe i'll be able to paint it this month then i'll need to get a carpet for the room. After all that is done, mummy will start buying the wardrobes and drawers for your clothes. Ohhh you are sooo going to be a spoilt baby coz u'll have all sorts of clothes to wear.

Until next week sayang, mummy & Daddy loves you!

Hospital Bag

I know I'm only 7 months preggers but I'm the type of person who likes to be prepared. I can be a little anal with my To-do-lists, hence the reason why some people say I can sometimes be a "Monica". Anyhoo, slowly slowly I'll need to get things ready for the hospital bag so I won't end up rushing when the time comes.

  • Robe & Slippers (and Socks too! very important)
  • Night shirts or Breastfeeding Nighties (x2)
  • Nursing Bra (x2)
  • Bra Pads - 1 box
  • Sanitary Napkins - 1 box
  • undergarments
  • Loose clothes (for going home)
  • Towels - 2
  • Nipple Cream (just in case)
  • Toothbrush / Toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Body Lotion
  • Shampoo
  • Brush
  • Scruchies / bandana
  • Mouth wash
  • Cosmetics

Daddy's Things
  • T-shirts
  • Underwear
  • Towel
  • Toothbrush
  • Deodorant
  • Laptop or I-Pad & charger
  • Camera & charger
  • Video camera & charger
  • mobile chargers
For Baby's Arrival
  • Honey
  • First set of clothes in a Ziplock Bag
    • One Jumpsuit
    • Mittens
    • Booties
    • Hat
    • Badung 1 (Muslim Square)
    • Badung 2 (Swaddle) 
Baby's Box
  • Towel
  • change of clothes
  • Baby booties
  • Baby mittens
  • Baby Blanket (Shawl)
  • Baby hats
  • Diapers
  • Baby wipes
  • Diaper cream

Baby Toiletries (Optional)
  • Baby powder
  • Baby lotion
  • baby wash
  • Baby oil
  • cotton wool
  • Ear Buds
  • Nail Clippers
  • Comb