Tuesday, December 2, 2008

One Week Old

December 2, 2008

WARNING! Explicit Content. Girls, don't read on if you don't want to know about Auntie Kim's labour experience.

Baby Amellia is one week old today and funnily enough its finally kicked in, I'm a mother to an adorable baby girl. Tears of joy came streaming down my face early this evening. Looking at my little bundle of joy, I cant believe this little baby was growing inside me for 9 months, well, 38 weeks to be exact. Time has actually flown by. The past seven days have been a trip. Tiring, yes, but most definitely the best 7 days of my life.

Baby Amellia

D-Day started on the morning of the 24th November. I woke up, went to the toilet and realized I was bleeding. I immediately assumed it was my water that had broke. Little did I know I was wrong. I seemed to have jumped to conclusion, it was actually the mucus plug. I called mummy since my darling was fast asleep in bed and didn't even realize I had gotten out of bed until he heard me telling my mum over the phone that my water had broke. He woke up straight away and said "huh? water broke?"..haha..I bursted out into giggles. It was the cutest thing. He started panicking whereas I just stayed calm, with a touch of excitement but nevertheless got things ready. We took our time, got dressed, shaved where necessary, loaded the car and by 10am, we were on our way to RIPAS with Didih as our driver. We went to the Emergency section where they did a quick check on how many centimetres dilated I was. Apparently I was only 1.5cm dilated. I still had another 8.5cm to go. I was wheeled to the labour ward and had to wait. The ward was full since everyone had decided to give birth on the very same day. I overheard that there were 27 births on that day itself. Finally got checked into the First Stage Labour Ward around mid day then later on around 9pm I was checked to see how many cm I was dilated. At this point I was only 5cm. Contractions were coming and going about 4 minutes apart. At this point, I knew if I didn't get any rest I wouldn't be able to push during delivery so I asked for some pain killers to help me sleep. Although the pain killers did not kill the pain, it did make me feel groggy so I could rest alittle.

I remember grabbing hold of the rails of the bed everytime the contractions came. The nurses ended up wheeling me into the labour room around midnight. I quickly messaged my darling as I needed him there with me. Since husbands aren't allowed in after a certain time, he was waiting outside with his friend, Khai and was on the verge of going home to sleep. As I got onto the bed in the labour room, I was only 7cm dilated but already had the urge to push. All I remember was the feeling of pushing felt like wanting to do a fart. Thinking back to what I said to the nurse still cracks me up...I can't believe I actually said, "Macam kan bekantut!"..haha

Things most people don't tell you nor do mothers enjoy sharing their labour details is the fact that if your bladder is not empty, have no fear, labour will empty it for you and it definitely makes sure you do. Pushing about two to three times, which made me feel like I was constipated gave me the urge to empty my bladder & bowels..(yes, eeeewww) Since my water hadn't broke yet, the nurses had to do it for me and apparently, if I can recall it was green, meaning to say it was meconium which is when the baby is in distress and poops inside you. My cervix was thin (which is what the nurses said) and soon baby's head was crowning. With my true love standing beside me, I felt a little relieved. He helped alot by supporting me and holding my hand. Well, it was more like me squeezing his hand.

It must of been an unforgettable experience for my beloved, to see it all live! I now love him more for his support in the labour room. As I had to control the final push, Baby A's eyes, ears, nose had to be suctioned from the green stuff. With the final push at 12.50am, she was officially out. My beloved's words were "You did it babe, well done" and all i remember saying was "Is she ok? Check sudah fingers and toes nya?" haha and he replied "Awu, semua ada babe."

They cleaned her up and dressed her before laying her beside me to feed for the first time. My beloved then cited the Azan in her ear. My little angel looked adorable. Her suit was a tad bit too big for her though. Must remind myself to buy new born size clothes the next time..hehe. My baby was finally here. A childhood dream of becoming a mother finally came true.

After the final stage of labour which was delivering the placenta, I was stitched up. Funny thing is, from what I read, stitching is not suppose to hurt as General Anesthetic is given but there were odd stitches I could feel. Nevertheless, it was all worth it. By 2.30am, I was rolled into Ward 18 and given bed number 34. The new daddy left to go home and sleep while I spent the night with Baby Amellia beside me. By 6am, the ward was up and running and babies cries could be heard here and there.

Later on in the morning the Doc came round to check baby then another doc came round to check me. Thank God my hubby's niece, Zura was on duty. She was able to persuade the Doc to allow me to leave the same day which was usually unheard of especially if its your first born. Being number 32 on the waiting list for First class was a bummer. I doubt I was able to get a room for one night and I needed to be beside my husband and baby in my own bed. Luckily by 6pm I was discharged.

Back at home, we settled down and had some quiet family time together before the family came over. Our first guest was the ever so sweet Alai Z who is currently 4 months preggers. She brought Baby Amellia a cute set from M&S and the letter A for her room. The family then dropped by to see baby Amellia. She finally met a few of her many cousins. I fell asleep soon after and was told my abang dropped by after work and had a peek at Baby Amellia. I heard he took a picture of her and when he got home, he looked at it over and over again before going off to sleep. Now, that's love..hehe.

The next day was our first morning together as a family. Our friend Rach dropped by and brought some cute tops for Baby to use when she gets bigger then in the evening Baby Amellia met her 3 cousins from her mummy's side and her grandpa.

On Thursday, Baby got her first visit from the lovely nurses of Anggerek Clinic. They checked her and me and had a little chit chat before leaving to their next visit. In the afternoon, my abang helped my beloved to sort out Baby Amellia's birth certificate and my placenta which had to be buried. Baby's crib also arrived on that day and they set it up in the nursery. It's a shame the nursery isn't complete yet but not to worry I've got two months to sort that out. Before the Baby's next visit from the nurses on Saturday, her belly button finally fell off. Quite quickly than normal but I was told not to worry.

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